Friday, November 24, 2006

Al Pacino

So, Al Pacino is an honourary member of the Trinity College Philosophical Society. (

Who'll we go for? DeNiro, maybe?

Philosophy Society Meeting 29th November

Wednesday November 29th, 2pm
Institute of Governance
63 University Road
Seminar Room 2
(First floor, turn right at the top of the stairs and go down the hall).

Stephen Rainey will be talking about "A Kantian self-image".

Friday, November 17, 2006

World Philosophy Day

Thanks to the Belfast branch of the Royal Institute of Philosophy for the sociability juice, and to all those who came along to use it, World Philosophy day at Queens was a nice little event. We've done our bit for another year, be proud! UNESCO have been informed!

Look at this to see what the rest of the world was up to.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Philosophy Society, Wednesday 22nd November

Charlotte Blease will be presenting a paper about folk as scientists on Wednesday 22nd November, 2pm, Seminar Room 2, Institute of Governance, 63 University Road.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Visisting speaker at Queen's, Nov. 30th

Thursday, November 30, at 1600 in Lanyon G9.
Chair: Ellen Douglas-Cowie, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences.
Ivan Havel, Director of the Centre for Theoretical Studies, Czech Academy of Sciences, will lecture on "Experience of episodic situations". He haswritten extensively on philosophy of mind and cognitive science. He wasDirector of a major samizdat publishing house during the time pf theCommunist regime. In addition to being a leading figure in the intellectuallife of the Czech Republic, Ivan Havel is the younger brother of the former President, Vaclav Havel.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Monkey Robot Arms!

Are these monkeys thinking, or what?


Thursday, November 02, 2006

Wednesday 22nd November

Charlotte's going to talk about folk as scientists on the 22nd, at 2pm in the IOG, 63 University Road, Seminar Room 2. Come along now!
A good lecture from the eminent Zygmunt Bauman yesterday, on 'How to Live in Fear'. Plenty of nice observations about modern life, or 'liquid modernity' in his terms. Little you didn't already think, I'd say, but nicely brought together. Get the gist here:

This is all becoming very cinematic

Could be fun:

"Continental Film Philosophy TodayNew Special Issue of Film-PhilosophyThe latest issue of the salon-journal Film-Philosophy (ISSN1466-4615) takes a snapshot of the new lines of thinking incontinental film philosophy. Taking on the new interest with thebodily in relation to the image, the return of deconstruction in filmstudies, and featuring a symposium on Dominique Chateau’s Cinéma etphilosophie (2005), the issue examines the possible futures ofphilosophy and film. (This includes the appearance of philosophers onfilm, with a review by Edward R. O’Neill of the recent films Derridaand Zizek!). Edited by four of the ten-member editorial collective(Sarah Cooper, David Martin-Jones, Douglas Morrey, and BenjaminNoys), this issue of Film-Philosophy continues our desire foraccessible academic engagement."

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Today didn't happen, in the sense that the usual meeting was cancelled. A bit of a fallow period never hurt anyone, though, right?

I'm guessing that since next week is reading week, we should call that Wednesday's meeting off too. That means that by the following week, I reckon, we'll be champing at the bit.

For the Manga fans among us: 10th November, Ghost in the shell/Ghost in the shell II double bill at QFT. Plenty of philosophical stuff to be had there. Mind/machine, reality/illusion, all the classics.