Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Wednesday 28th February


Owing to itinerancy.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Philosophy seminar initiative

The schedule:

Thursdays at 4 in 16 University Square, room 104.
1st. March: Stephen Rainey on Judgment.
8th March: Cynthia Macdonald on Introspection.
22nd March: Gaven Kerr defends Realism.
29th March: David Evans on the relevance of the history of philosophy to teaching philosophy
3rd May: Aviezer Tucker on Rough Justice.
17th May: Charlotte Blease, "Trauma and science: Method in

Thursday, February 15, 2007

British Journal of Undergraduate Philosophy available online for free:

21st Denis, in the small meeting room, ground floor, Institute of Governance, 63 University Road


Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Blink twice for 'yes'

How's about meeting up on the 14th at 2pm in the Speakeasy to speak easily about what we ought to do with the society this semester? It's Valentine's, after all, so a good time to show just how much you love wisdom. We could call it an AGM, if you like. Get a yay or a nay to Stephen somehow (comment button down there would be one way).

Friday, February 02, 2007

Guest Speaker at Queen's

Mette Lebech (Maynooth) will speak on 'What is Human Dignity?', Thursday February 15 in Univ. Squ. 16:G01, at 4 pm.

Abstract: It is often suggested that the concept of Human Dignity is not sufficiently clear to serve as foundation for the discussion of Human Rights, which nevertheless are uniformly believed to rest upon the principle. This paper puts forward the idea that Human Dignity is the fundamental value of human beings motivating their recognition as such, and also seeks to corroborate this proposal by, on the one hand, outlining a value theory that allows for further analysis, and on the other, sketching a history of the concept's development in Europe, which shows that (and how) representative contributions converge on the idea.